My love of color & design started at a young age. I was always fascinated with flowers, trees, shadow pattern, clouds & funny colors you found in rocks. As a school student my favorite class was always art. I was blessed to have Mrs. Coleman and later Paul Beal encourage me to explore my artist abilities. After high school I attended Indiana University of PA where I pursued a fine arts education.

By the end of my time at IUP, I realized I was not a rendering artist. Oils, watercolors, pastels & acrylics were not my forte. I was a hands-on-kind of person, sculpture, silvers smithing & fabrics were my media.

Life goes on, reality set in, I had to earn a living. For almost 35 yrs I've been an interior design applying all the elements of composition, balance, color & texture to my trade. Even with a successful career, I was still unfulfilled as an artist.

In 2003 I met my husband, Steve and the world changed. He realized the talent I had for photography. He's been my mentor, my cheerleader & at times, my task master. He has brought a whole new dimension to my life that I truly love.

Someone gave me a plaque to hung on my studio door, "God Makes the Pictures, I just take them". Jo, a dear friend, once told me that God blessed me to see through his eves. It is so true. Actually she named my studio but didn't realize it at the time.

God has blessed me with eyes to see His beauty. My hope is to find the beauty in the world & it's people that is so often missed.